Posted by:

Maggie Gebhardt, PT, DPT, OCS,

If the outside of your hip hurts to touch or it is painful to
lay on, then you may have trochanteric bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is
inflammation of the bursa (fluid-filled ouch) that lies between the IT band and
a boney outcropping on your femur. Sometimes you may even see swelling or a
“puffiness” on the outside of your hip from the inflammation. If the IT band is
too tight, it can rub on the bursa causing inflammation and irritation. The IT
band can get tight primarily from poor biomechanics as a result of decreased
strength of the hip abductors (glutes.). In addition to having pain while lying
on it, some people will find that getting up from a chair after having been
sitting for a while can be painful.

Physical Therapy treatment for this issue should involve strengthening
of the glutes and soft tissue work to loosen up the IT band, which than should
decrease the inflammation and pain generated from it. This condition when
diagnosed accurately should not be extremely limiting and with the right
treatment can resolve fairly quickly.


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